In-house banking

By Alaina Roussel

In-House Banking Benefits

In-house banking is for a company the acquisition of internal banking services without using an external bank. These services include internal transactions within the company or between different companies.

In-house banking provide payments process, cash management and loan management within the company. This gives the company full control of its banking business, allowing to subsequently increase the profits of corporation. By these means the company can standardize the applied rates.


These processes and internal banking organization are generally implémented in a dedicated treasury software package, as the payment factory CashPooler, of the CashSolutions range.

Subsidiaries-Holding Relationships

Much of the trade and investment made in the world happens between subsidiaries of a same company, especially within multinationals that are the first companies to benefit fully from the in-house banking. In house banking also those services to their customers:


  • internal and external payments process
  • receivables collection
  • Loans
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